Your Answer to Healthy Weight Loss

It doesn’t have to be hard….

We do not believe in Starvation Diets, Calorie Counting OR impossibly long workouts!

Restoring health, vitality and youthfulness is a great feeling.  One which we want everyone to enjoy!  We want anyone who has a DESIRE to get healthier and who is SERIOUS about getting into shape to have all the tools and knowledge available to do so. 

When it comes to getting into shape, most people think they should eat less and train more.  That is a myth.  You DO however need the following 3 elements in order to achieve success:

You DO need to eat the right foods
You DO need to perform effective workouts
You DO need to surround yourself with people who are on the same journey as you, someone who will guide you through the obstacles and challenges. 

It makes sense, right.  That is why we have created the 30 Day Transformation Challenge for YOU.

Here is what you will receive when you say YES today! 

Detailed step by step Meal Plan that shows you WHAT to eat and  WHEN to eat. 
A suggested food list and shopping list of easy to find and affordable ingredients
Highly effective workouts that will ignite your metabolism and keep you in fat burning zone long after you have completed the workout.  All of these can be done at home and will take less than 30 minutes
Exclusive access to a private Facebook Group where we will guide you with daily motivation and answer all of your questions before and during the challenge. 

Here are just a few of the recipes that people love:

Results from those who have participated in our previous
30 Day Challenges have been astonishing

Fact is, research has shown that 56% of people give up trying to lose weight because a program is too hard or people don’t have the support they need.

…that’s because the food is bland and takes too long to make.

…the workouts are too long, so people get bored or don’t have time

…there is no one to be accountable to, so people fall back into old patterns

But the 30 Days Challenge takes a NEW approach. It works with you, not against you. It works FOR you. It respects your time and gives you exactly what your body needs. Plus it surrounds you with the support you need EVERY DAY! Putting you in an amazing place for success.

Your Nutrition Plan

We make the Nutrition part so simple by using the Herbalife Nutrition Program to supplement our Meal Plan. It saves you time (food prepping) and money.

You have 3 options to start with:

  • Option 1 : R1240 (R41 per meal)
    Includes a 30 serving Formula 1 Shake Mix (Vanilla) + Protein Drink Mix (great for shaping up) + Fat Burning Tea
  • Option 2 : R963 (R32 per meal)
    Includes a 30 serving Formula 1 Shake Mix (Vanilla) + Protein Drink Mix (great for shaping up)
  • Option 3 : R794 (R26 per meal)
    Includes a 30 serving Formula 1 Shake Mix (Vanilla) + Fat Burning Tea

Your Nutrition Program Option is mandatory in order to take part in this 30 Day Challenge.

One program per person entering.

What This All Boils Down To is This…

Personal coaching programs like this go for R3000 and up, and even at those prices it would be tremendous value because of the results. However, a R3000 price tag would put this opportunity beyond the reach of most people who could benefit from a healthier lifestyle.

So we’ve decided to set this up so that the investment is a sliver of that amount, and your entire investment goes right back to you.

If you join is for the next 30 days you will have direct access to our coaches for the entire challenge, a step-by-step meal plan, the effective workouts, the Meal Plans for 30 days, our coveted suggested foods list and exclusive access to a private Facebook group for daily motivation, guidance and support for only the cost of the Nutrition Program of your choice. This is more than a weight loss diet, this is a lifestyle! 

Your next step
  • Enter your details below
  • Order your Nutrition Program for this Challenge (Contact your coach and let them know what option you would like to start with.  If you do not know your coach, please contact me on

Loyalty Rewards Members, please inquire about your preferred pricing!

NB!!! You purchase your Herbalife Nutrition packs for the 4 weeks from one of the Coaches in our Team ONLY!  
Purchasing products from other Herbalife Members not part of our Team will result in disconnection from the 30 Day Challenge and that will be very sad for both of us!
Your Coach will be in contact with you within 24-48 hours after you have purchased your Entry Ticket to finalise your Herbalife Nutrition product order.

Join us on the 10th of February 2020 and start the challenge that will change your life for the better!

We want you to say YES to this offer for the 30 Day Challenge. We want you to make your life healthier, more supported, and feel pride at finishing this 30 Day Challenge. That is why the cost of this program comes with a 100% RISK FREE Guarantee! That’s right you must feel that you MET YOUR GOALS or IT’S FREE!



Our Challenge Group will go live on the 3rd of February 2020. Once you register for the challenge and purchase your Nutrition Program, you will have immediate access to the Facebook Group and challenge material.  That means the sooner you get “in” the more time you have in the support community and the more time you have to learn.



We will send you a free coaching video to help you get your mindset right in order to power through the 1st week and beyond. Once you fix your mindset, everything else will fall into place. 

What happens after you join?

Once you have joined, your coach will assist you with your Nutrition Program order.
Look out for the “Welcome” email with access information to the exclusive Facebook Group where you will be able to access you Challenge Information and start your 30 Day Journey.  

Are you ready to begin?

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Great News!!!

Great News!!!

We have a brand new

We have a brand new

21 Day Challenge

starting soon!

starting soon!

Simple Ways to Eat Smarter and Exercise more in just 3 weeks

Simple Ways to Eat Smarter and Exercise more in just 3 weeks

It doesn’t have to be hard….
We do not believe in Starvation Diets, Calorie Counting OR impossibly long workouts!

Restoring health, vitality and youthfulness is a great feeling. One which we want everyone to enjoy! We want anyone who has a DESIRE to get healthier and who is SERIOUS about getting into shape to have all the tools and knowledge available to do so.

It doesn’t have to be hard….
We do not believe in Starvation Diets, Calorie Counting OR impossibly long workouts!

Restoring health, vitality and youthfulness is a great feeling. One which we want everyone to enjoy! We want anyone who has a DESIRE to get healthier and who is SERIOUS about getting into shape to have all the tools and knowledge available to do so.

Our next challenge starts on

6th April, entries close the

3rd April

Our next challenge starts on 6th April, entries close the 3rd April

It’s never too late to make a change.
What are YOUR 2020 health and wellness goals?
Let me know if you are ready to get started or want more info.

It’s never too late to make a change.
What are YOUR 2020 health and wellness goals?
Let me know if you are ready to get started or want more info.

Contact Dalene:

082 857 0150

Contact Dalene:

082 857 0150