Smart Food for Smart Kids

When you’re studying for exams, good nutrition often slides down the priority list.

The right food and drink can energise your system, improve your alertness and concentration, reduce stress, increase energy and sustain you through long exam hours.

On the other hand, the wrong dietary choices can make you feel sluggish and jittery, affect your sleep, your mood and will leave you struggling to focus.  Cakes, biscuits, chocolate and sweets that are high in refined sugars that give you a ‘sugar rush’ after eating them, but leave you feeling flat and in a bit of a slump shortly afterwards.

These are some of the best foods to eat for a healthy brain BUT how do you prepare them in a fun and tasty way your kids will enjoy?

We know that exams are stressful for parents as well, and we want to do anything to help you simplify your life!!

Here are 7 delicious recipes:

  • That is quick and easy to make
  • Use only simple ingredients you will have in your home
  • Are Tasty AND Healthy

Enjoy!! And all the best for the exams!

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